Incline High School earns 5-star rating

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Incline High School earns 5 star NSPF rating

Congratulations to IHS students, staff and admin for “exceeding all expectations” and earning a 5-star rating on the Nevada Dept of Education’s rigorous Nevada School Performance Framework (NPSF)* for the 2018-19 school year. Local reporter Laney Griffo profiled the good news on the Tahoe Daily Tribune’s site yesterday.

It’s no secret to Boo that IHS punches above its weight. We’ve ranked among the nations top high schools for years in the US News and World Report. Highlanders benefit from small class sizes, a young and energetic faculty and administration, inclusive extra-curricular and athletic programs, and an engaged, supportive community.

* NOTE – The Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) is an annual summary of school performance developed by Nevada stakeholders. The NSPF meets State and Federal policy requirements and provides each school level with a unique rating system. The NSPF is a compensatory accountability system made up of a series of Performance Indicators and Measures. This means that low performance in one indicator/measure can be made up for by high performance in another. Performance Indicators are broad general categories within the framework, while Measures are the building blocks of a Performance Indicator. Anchored on statewide performance expectations, schools earn points based on their performance on each Measure. These points are added together to produce an overall summative rating, or a Star Rating.