Just a friendly reminder… it’s Back To School night at IHS, a chance for you to engage with teachers, see the classrooms, and re-connect with other parents. The Boosters will be there to greet and feed you… stop by our 2nd and 3rd floor tables for light snacks and cookies after class. And if you haven’t joined us yet, you can sign up tonight. Why join Boosters?
– Free admission to IHS sporting events
– Support & engage IHS students and staff
– Inside scoop on programs & policies
– Make new friends
– Invest in our kids and community. This month Education Week ranked Nevada 50th in their Quality Counts annual report card, and 47th in per-pupil spending. IHS punches above it’s weight, thanks to a strong staff and Boosters support: we rank in the top 4% of public schools nationwide.
Boo will see you there… and don’t be tardy!