Welcome Back to School Highlander Families!
We are so very happy to say welcome back, and look forward to seeing everyone both in school and online. This year, more than ever, we need to connect with each other.
The Boosters’ theme this year is engagement: we seek to enhance community and increase connection. We encourage all families to join the Boosters to get involved and stay connected. Members meet monthly online with the Board and Dr. Yox to hear updates, discuss matters and generate ideas. All our welcome!
It’s easy to become a Booster member online, click here.
Upcoming August Events
Boosters Member Meeting – Online
Wednesday 8/26 5:30-6:30
Email updates@inclineboosters.com for a link to the meeting
Student Laptop Pickup – In Person
Wednesday-Friday, August 26-28, from 12pm-3pm at IHS. The fee is $55. Please bring cash or a check made out to Incline HS.
New Student Orientation – In Person – CANCELLED DUE TO POOR AIR QUALITY
Friday 8/28 10-11am
Students meet in person at the high school. Parents can visit with the parent boosters in front of the school. Visit the high school website calendar for more information.
First Day of School!
Monday 8/31 – either in person or online – check your student’s schedule on Infinite Campus
What’s New
- School schedules will be different this year. Check Infinite Campus to see your student’s schedule.
- The Highlanders Billboard sign is in the process of being renovated! It should be back at the corner of Village and Tahoe Blvd very soon.
- The amazing IHS Theater renovation is almost complete! Joy Strotz did an incredible job leading this transformation. Here are some pictures of the renovation in progress: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QX2JeTUkqP5e9kFoDMkGYBDBXNuEEZte